Japandroids: Celebration Rock

Japandroids: Celebration Rock

Japandroids: Celebration Rock

Round 1 – Group 7 – Album 3

Japandroids: Celebration Rock

6 responses to “Japandroids: Celebration Rock

  1. I think the title of this album is right on. When this started playing, my first reaction was “Thank god”! It was good to hear something that was so unrestrained. After a while, that feeling wore off a bit, but I’d still like to hear it again to see where it goes.

    BTW, hope your trip home was a’ight.

    • Oh, and the trip home was a’ight, but then R’s stepdad died late Monday night… so, not so great. On the SKoWS front, it may impact my listening a bit. I may need to do some catchup – I’m already one listen behind…

      • Ack, sorry to hear that. This makes skows the second most important thing in the world, rather than the first.

  2. I was a bit underwhelmed by this album, if that’s a word. I dunno, it just seemed like very straight ahead rock, with nothing special. Though, they hype does make me want to have another listen….

  3. This album starts strong, then there’s an undiffertiated middle bit, and then it ends strong. But the whole thing is remarkably consistent and I like it. There’s something fresh about it, but yet something familiar as well. It’s almost a 90s “punk” revival or something. Anyway, it’s quite uplifting and catchy music and I could listen again to see if some songs really jump out at me.

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